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Sunday, September 13, 2009 - Cached - Similar

Superfoods for the New Year!
�You�ll be hearing a lot more about this rain forest fruit going forward. Acai is the off the chart for almost everything that kale is, in addition to naturally occurring Omega-3, 6 and 9 oils.�
Acai is Healthy and Nutritious!
�Studies show that the acai berry is one of the most nutritious
foods in the world�Hidden within its royal purple pigment is the
magic that makes it nature�s perfect energy fruit.�

�A dark-purple elixir with a cult-like following, an antioxidant-rich concoction whose main ingredient is the Brazilian a硩 berry
long touted among health nuts for its anti-aging ingredients.�
Food For Your Heart!
�Acai berries are among the most nutritious foods of the Amazon, rich
in B vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Acai berries also contain oleic acid (omega-9), a beneficial fatty acid.�

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�I have suffered from weight and health issues as long as I can remember. After taking Vital Acai for only a few months, I am stronger, healthier, and in the best shape I�ve been in years. I�ve lost over 50 pounds and am full of energy all day long! Even my doctor was amazed at how much my health improved after taking the product and is now recommending Vital Acai to many of his other patients. Vital Acai is a truly amazing product and it has completely changed my life! Thank you, Vital Acai!"

Sherry M. from Houston, Texas

�A University of Florida study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry on Jan 12. 2006 found that Acai berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested in vitro. In the current UF study, six different chemical extracts were made from ACAI fruit pulp, and each extract was prepared in seven concentrations. Four of the extracts, were shown to kill significant numbers of leukemia cells when applied for 24 hours. Depending on the extract and concentration, anywhere from about 35 percent to 86 percent of the cells died.�

Oprah's No.1 Super Food: Acai Berry Supplement

The Oprah Show rated this as #1 Super Food, here is what she had to say:

" Studies have shown that this little Acai berry is one
of the most nutritious and powerful foods
in the world! "

- The Oprah Show

As Oprah famously said Acai Berry is Nature's Top Energy Fruit. There are many ingredients in Acai Berry but mainly, as per Wikipedia every " 100g of Acai Extract contains vitamin C, 260 mg calcium,4.4 mg iron, and 1002 U vitamin A, as well as aspartic acid and glutamic acid; the amino acid content was 7.59% of total dry weight." It is the complete food or nutritional supplement!

One of the main benefits of Acai Berry is weight loss. This fruit is one of the healthiest ways to lose weight. Unlike other products which primarily use hunger suppressant as a method for the body to lose weight, Acai Berry instead increases your calorie consumption rate.

So you burn more calories doing the regular chores. This increased metabolism rate leads to substantial weight loss. Simply keep your intake levels constant and let Acai Berry do the rest!

Everyone who has tried to lose weight will tell you that its very important to keep yourself motivated during the first few days of the diet. Acai Berry is also a terrific Herbal Mood Enhancer. You will feel good about yourself and your outlook will remain positive and cheerful. This is found to be specially beneficial to Women since the emotional stress when dieting is comparatively much higher.

This happens mainly due to Two ways :

� In most of the diets available in the market the initial weight loss is nothing but water loss, which comes back with a vengeance once you stop the diet. Not in case of Acai Berry diet since it increases your metabolism so the lost weight is fat loss due to calories burnt, and is 100% permanent.

� The effect of Acai Berry is not temporary but does your body permanent good. You continue to burn calories at high rate and you keep off the lost pounds!

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