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Friday, May 19, 2006

JINSA Article Digest for May, 19th

Articles added to JINSA Online from May, 12th to May, 19th.

#570 Data Mining and the War

(2006-05-12) In this war between terrorists and the forces of civilization,
the forces of civilization are always playing catch-up. Every time
journalists and their CIA leak sources give away details of the defense
strategy, the terrorists change tactics and make the forces of civilization
start over again. Guess which is harder? Those who believe that President
Bush is waging a war that impinges on the civil liberties of Americans need
to remember that it is the terrorists who are waging war - not against the
President or against Republicans - but against America, our friends and our
civilization. Read the analysis in JINSA Report #570.

Read more @

#571 Back to the Future: Libya and Egypt

(2006-05-18) This is the worst possible time for the Bush Administration to
botch our relationship with Egypts secular, non-ideological dictatorship. But
thats what it is doing. In no uncertain terms, the U.S. should tell Mubarak
that it is precisely his heavy hand that increases support for Islamists in
Egypt. Anything less fails the Egyptian people and sets the stage for failure
in Libya as well. Read the analysis in JINSA Report #571.

Read more @

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